Sentence example with the word 'trimness'


Definition n. a state of arrangement or appearance

Last update: October 19, 2015


It may be that this approach to trimness, after all, was the true key to the mystery of the lady who appeared to Joe.   [Please select]


He carried with him the irrepressible trimness and buoyancy of youth, with his smooth, sallow face, his neat black moustache and his shapeliness of outline.   [Please select]


By the magic only known to youth and womanhood Harriet had gathered herself into trimness and calm again.   [Please select]


The scant lares and penates were sufficient to explain something of this shiplike trimness of the housekeeping.   [Please select]


Murderous little "knife-combs" were tearing blithely away at collies' ear-interiors and heads, to "barber" natural furriness into painful and unnatural trimness.   [Please select]


He was a tall, clean-limbed, clear-featured boy, with black hair, which though not long, yet lacked the military trimness befitting the heads of young men at the present moment.   [Please select]

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trimmings - trimness - trimorphic