Sentence example with the word 'trimming'


adjunct, bookcase, crash, emblazonment, flourish, gluing-off, list, quietus, soft binding, timeserving

Definition n. the act of adding decoration

Last update: October 18, 2015


Baked potato and all the trimmings were on the table.   [Please select]


Under the heading "Remarks" are noted (for vessels with sail power) making, shortening and trimming sails; and (for all ships) employment of crew, times of passing prominent landmarks, altering of course, and any subject of interest and FIG.   [Please select]


Allow a little margin at the top and bottom, however, to permit trimming the edges slightly after the parts have been sewed together.   [Please select]


Another experiment may be made by taking an egg shell and trimming it with the scissors so as to reduce it to a half shell.   [Please select]


"I had begun to think we were due for a trimming."   [Please select]


O'Neil, Wilkes street, Spitalfields, and Ferdinand street, Camden town, fancy trimming manufacturers.'   [Please select]


Two or three fellows have been kind enough to haul a tree up there, and they're trimming it to fit.'   [Please select]


The Paramatta was most fortunate in her weather and, beyond trimming the sails, the crew had a very easy time of it.   [Please select]

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trimmest - trimming - trimmings