Sentence example with the word 'trestle'


branch, el, feeder, junction, monorail, railroad, sawhorse, subway, tram, trestlework, tube

Definition n. a supporting tower used to support a bridge

Last update: October 29, 2015


The bench is supported by a trestle.   [Please select]


They came up to a steel trestle that held the ancient penstock above an open gorge.   [Please select]


They were led into a large but rather dark room, scantily furnished, with two trestle-beds, a table, and a couple of benches.   [Please select]


He was after her in an instant, overtaking her on a frail board trestle that spanned a pool, where the cliff was perpendicular.   [Please select]


There were little five-barred gates, and trapezes, and tight-ropes, and spring-boards, and a trestle-table, all the metal work gleaming like silver.   [Please select]


The road-bed is fifteen feet wide, and there is not a single foot of trestle work in the entire construction.   [Please select]


As he spoke he pointed to a figure standing on the upper trestle above the fill--outlined against the sky.   [Please select]


Then the party climbed the grade to the tracks again and walked to the end of the upper trestle.   [Please select]


In the shade of the elm stretched a trestle table and two wooden benches.   [Please select]


The young man picked up pencil and sketch-book and posed Paul at the end of the seat by the trestle table.   [Please select]


We've got to put a force of men on the piers while we're building the trestle.'   [Please select]

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tressure - trestle - trestles