Sentence example with the word 'tresses'


Last update: October 19, 2015


She had loosened her hair and her long tresses fell in a wave, over her shoulder and across her small breasts.   [Please select]


And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone.   [Please select]


Gentle fingers toyed with the tawny tresses, and a soft voice lulled with its consoling promises of hope.   [Please select]


Her luxuriant tresses,--there, the rest is torn off," said Mr."   [Please select]


Her hair streamed over the pillow in white, uncared-for tresses, and the hands that plucked at the bed-clothes were like wrinkled claws.   [Please select]


How Mac-Shimei will joy when their chief shall display The yew-crested bonnet o'er tresses of grey.'   [Please select]


"When I shake my hoary tresses," said the old man, darkly frowning, "all the ground is covered with snow."   [Please select]


] The mother first beheld with sad survey; She rent her tresses, venerable gray, And cast, far off, the regal veils away.   [Please select]


Surprised at finding her passive when he had expected resistance, he began to comb out the tangled tresses.   [Please select]


I feel that my forehead is flushed, and I hide it behind Bella's tresses--whispering to her at the same time--"Let us go."   [Please select]


Rosabel's long auburn tresses floated on the breeze, and Leopold could not help looking at her all the time, thinking that she was the prettiest girl in the whole world.   [Please select]

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tressels - tresses - tressure