Sentence example with the word 'transfers'


Last update: August 17, 2015


Money had to be raised by taxation, and at a meeting of the states-general (March 20, 1569) the governor-general proposed (1) an immediate tax of 1% on all property, (2) a tax of 5% on all transfers of real estate, (3) a tax of io% on the sale of all articles of commerce, the last two taxes to be granted in perpetuity.   [Please select]


The eleven color plates of adult butterflies with wings spread have been made direct from a set of the remarkable transfers which Mr.   [Please select]


I have ten or twelve other transfers, and there will doubtless be some more before next board meeting.   [Please select]


, the "twentieth penny," on all transfers of real estate, (2) a tax of ten per cent.   [Please select]


The change of direction transfers the energy of the water to the wheel.   [Please select]


On the other hand, it transfers the advantage of being the first to show strength and abuses the confidence of the partner.   [Please select]


We may indeed know genius from talent by the much more of the invisible which it transfers to visible line.   [Please select]


Wilwhite went on Shakespeare's bond in 1604, in certain property transfers involving what was then regarded as a considerable sum of money.   [Please select]


Grayson would also be present when the final transfers would be signed and the money paid.   [Please select]


The mistress of the house and several other ladies severely reprobated the levity with which the hero transfers his affections from Rosalind to Juliet.   [Please select]


And a fresh opponent darts from his ambush, and transfers to knowledge the terms which are commonly applied to sight.   [Please select]

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transferring - transfers - transfiguration