Sentence example with the word 'transcending'


a cut above, ascendant, chosen, eminent, excelling, higher, major, one up on, rare, superior, transcendent

Last update: July 8, 2015


But himself no trained metaphysician, and unsusceptible to the lessons of history, he gives but fragments of a system which are held together, not by their intrinsic consistency, but by the vigour of his personal conviction transcending the weaknesses and collisions of his several arguments.   [Please select]


Up wind he followed the elusive spoor with a sense of perception so transcending that of ordinary man as to be inconceivable to us.   [Please select]


Common-sense theories left the gap untouched, declaring our mind able to clear it by a self-transcending leap.   [Please select]


It has been already remarked that the empirical idealism of the Berkeleyan type could not avoid transcending itself.   [Please select]


This admirable faculty of transcending, whilst inwardly preserving, every contrariety, is the absolute's characteristic form of rationality.   [Please select]


Whatever appeals to the imagination, by transcending the ordinary limits of human ability, wonderfully encourages and liberates us.   [Please select]


I would try to tell you what it is, only that I find something in our relative positions transcending words.   [Please select]

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transcendently - transcending - transcends