Sentence example with the word 'tranquillized'


Last update: August 9, 2015


Having thus tranquillized the west, Charles took advantage of Louis the Childs death, and conquered Lorraine, in spite of opposition from Conrad, EngelspIe king of Germany (921).   [Please select]


ยง 4 Political life in Italy was not so much tranquillized as stunned by the massacres and confiscations of Marius and Sulla.   [Please select]


"Luther aroused; Calvin tranquillized," The one stormed the great citadel of error, the other furnished the weapons for holding it after it was taken.   [Please select]


They hung on her, fascinated, curiously tranquillized, as if they drank from her youth.   [Please select]


The walk across the fields tranquillized her, and she was able to enlist the aid of the Keppler's oldest boy without entering into too detailed an account of Mr.   [Please select]


Dorset's, thinking that the quick movement through the cold evening air would help to steady her nerves; but she really felt no need of being tranquillized.   [Please select]

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tranquillize - tranquillized - tranquillizer