Probably most persons who have studied the subject would now be inclined to go this length; and there is some evidence, notably in connexion with the trances of an American medium, Mrs Piper,' which has convinced some good observers that the hypothesis of occasional communication from deceased persons must be seriously entertained. [Please select]
He fell into trances, he saw visions, he saw the prophet and Jesus, and the Angel Izrail accompanying him and watching over him forever. [Please select]
Then of a sudden Zikali seemed to go off into one of his trances. [Please select]
He said queer spells--trances, I think was the name he give 'em--come over him now and again.' [Please select]
"There are people who are certainly subject to trances," answered Gilbert. [Please select]
For the past three months I have regularly met in my trances. [Please select]
The trances of Socrates, Plotinus, Porphyry, Behmen, Bunyan, Fox, Pascal, Guion, Swedenborg, will readily come to mind. [Please select]
His account of his children's bewitchment and of their trances is very detailed. [Please select]
I'd like to marry a lady who had trances, and only woke up once or twice a year. [Please select]
And so he was protected from all harm in his trances; and he left his body at will and returned to it, and it breathed again, and was alive. [Please select]
They are given to all kinds of marvellous beliefs; are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sights, and hear music and voices in the air. [Please select]
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