Sentence example with the word 'tragedienne'


Definition n. an actress who specializes in tragic roles

Last update: June 23, 2015


She always took the role of a tragedienne.   [Please select]


You might as well say that a tragedienne would be capable of carrying out a tragedy in her own family.   [Please select]


"Perhaps so, Clement, but then you see it would never occur to me to marry a tragedienne."   [Please select]


These hardly took definite shape in her mind; but vaguely she chose to see herself, at some far-distant day, an actress, a tragedienne, playing the roles of Shakespeare's heroines.   [Please select]


He immediately sat down and wrote a note of introduction for me to the tragedienne of the French Theatre, which then employed some of the best among French artists for its company.   [Please select]

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tragedians - tragedienne - tragedies