Sentence example with the word 'tottering'


alternation, declining, downsinking, gentle, languorous, palsied, rocky, slow, spidery, toddling, weak

Definition adj. unsteady in gait as from infirmity or old age

Last update: August 14, 2015


These events shook the whole Persian empire; Babylon and other subject states rose in revolt, and to the Jews it seemed that Persia was tottering and that the Messianic era was nigh.   [Please select]


He supported her, though he was tottering himself.   [Please select]


Guide his tottering footsteps, and bear with him when he is slow; for he is waiting for the kind servant, Death.   [Please select]


Toddlers were tossing a ball across the lawn and tottering after it with excited shouts.   [Please select]


She was tottering, but when Gregory would have leaped to her side, she whispered, "They would see us."   [Please select]


But his tottering steps contradict him, and he urges his objections in vain.   [Please select]


This was an old lion, a king on a throne already tottering, a monarch of yesterday.   [Please select]


He was not walking, but tottering upward; the Dogs behind in line, were now doing a little better, were nearing him.   [Please select]


"Uncas, look for the marks of a shoe that is long enough to uphold six feet two of tottering human flesh."   [Please select]


For two minutes--three minutes--four minutes--he stood there, tottering on the brink of insensibility, then.   [Please select]


Her mother brought her to Paris when the French capital was brilliant beyond description, and yet was tottering to its fall.   [Please select]

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tottered - tottering - totteringly