Sentence example with the word 'torpidity'


Definition n. a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility

Last update: August 14, 2015


The odour alone of guaco has been said to cause in snakes a state of stupor and torpidity; and Humboldt, who observed that the near approach of a rod steeped in guaco-juice was obnoxious to the venomous Coluber corallinus, was of opinion that inoculation with it imparts to the perspiration an odour which makes reptiles unwilling to bite.   [Please select]


Finally, he lost freedom, self-confidence, and fell into perfect torpidity, from which even the news of Cæsar's coming could not rouse him.   [Please select]


And although she had announced the torpidity of her nerves, her hands clenched and her voice shook slightly.   [Please select]


During the winter, it lies imbedded in moss, or dried leaves, in a state of torpidity.   [Please select]


In winter they retreat to caves, remaining in a state of semi-torpidity, issuing forth in March and April.   [Please select]


Full of vegetable acids and aromatics, qualities which act as refrigerants and antiseptics, what an enemy it is to jaundice, indigestion, torpidity of liver, etc.   [Please select]


It seems to me that the effect is here taken for the cause, and that the falling off of feathers and torpidity must be the result rather than the motive of cloistration.   [Please select]

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torpid - torpidity - torpidly