Sentence example with the word 'torpedoing'


Last update: August 21, 2015


Torpedoing The explosive employed is generally nitroglycerin, Wells.   [Please select]


They commanded our captain to get his crew into the boats as quickly as possible, for in five minutes they intended torpedoing the ship.   [Please select]


He explained that the English carried German officers on hospital-ships for a similar purpose, and he excused the German practice of torpedoing these vessels on the score that they also carried munitions.   [Please select]


Of course, the news of the torpedoing of the _Lusitania_ on May seventh and of the great loss of American lives brought about a very critical situation, and naturally nothing was done with Kriege's propositions.   [Please select]


But all these negotiations, reproaches and recriminations were put an end to by the torpedoing of the _Lusitania_, with the killing of American women and civilians who were passengers on that vessel.   [Please select]


In this last Note President Wilson (for, of course, it is an open secret that he was the author of these Notes) made the issue perfectly plain, referring to the torpedoing of enemy passenger ships.   [Please select]


The Emperor said that he would not have permitted the torpedoing of the _Lusitania_ if he had known, and that no gentleman would kill so many women and children.   [Please select]

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torpedoes - torpedoing - torpid