Sentence example with the word 'torpedoes'


Last update: October 7, 2015


Mines, torpedoes and submarines were all employed, and with the "Monitor" may fairly be said to have begun the application of mechanical science to the uses of naval war.   [Please select]


The officer in command of the torpedoes had his hand on the lever which would release the first deadly projectile already in the tube.   [Please select]


A hundred torpedoes, driven by their motors of compressed air just below the surface, were steering automatically for the Austrian battleships.   [Please select]


Meantime Jack, perfectly cool on the bridge, had maneuvered his vessel out of the way of several torpedoes from the second U-Boat.   [Please select]


One, two torpedoes exploded forward and each time the Lawrence staggered.   [Please select]


Torpedoes passed close, but Frank maneuvered the little vessel from port to starboard and back again so rapidly that none struck home.   [Please select]


As he drew clear and headed for the danger-channel a shout went up from the _Brooklyn's_ deck--"'ware torpedoes."   [Please select]


But Farragut, his mind made up, instantly roared back--"Damn the torpedoes."   [Please select]


Torpedoes knocked against the bottom and some of the primers actually snapped.   [Please select]


Torpedoes, catamarans, and such inventions, might be employed by both parties in war, and with destructive effect.   [Please select]


Lieutenant Hobson gives the signal to stop the engine, to turn the vessel in the right way across the channel, to fire the torpedoes, to drop the anchors.   [Please select]

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torpedoed - torpedoes - torpedoing