Definitionadj. employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words
Last update: August 24, 2015
The greatest difficulty with the Siamese language lies in the tonal system. [Please select]
The manifold calls of the street and the buzz of trolleys made a dull tonal background, subdued and far-away. [Please select]
Why the first called the second Shames Tougall, and the second styled the first Tonal' Pane is a circumstance which I cannot explain.' [Please select]
Come away, Tonal'," said Ian, as they started back along the shore."' [Please select]
"Tonal'," he said, when ragged head stood at the open door, "hev we ony pait."' [Please select]
"Let co the anchor, Tonal'," said Ian; "the pottom should be cood here."' [Please select]
"Now, Tonal', see that ye don't draw together an' git ta-alkin' so as to forget what ye're about." [Please select]
"Because, Tonal', it iss my duty to _tell_ ye to be coot, although I cannot _make_ ye coot, ye rascal."' [Please select]
"Tonal'," said Junkie, in very low tones, "if ye don't behave better, I'll send ye away." [Please select]
Ye see, Tonal', it must be lettin' the hook drift away down under the ledges that does it. [Please select]
It did not last long, however, for "Tonal'," after watching at the corner of the cottage long enough to make sure that the demonstration was a mere feint, returned to his post of observation.' [Please select]
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