Definitionn. widely distributed European titmouse with bright cobalt blue wings and tail and crown of the head
Last update: July 5, 2015
Blackbirds and thrushes are not found, nor any species of parrot, but on the other hand, we have the hoopoe (yatsugashira), the red-breast (komadori), the bluebird (run), the wren (miso-sazai), the golden-crested wren (itadaki), the golden-eagle (inu-washi), the finch (hiwa), the longtailed rosefinch (benimashiko), the ouzelbrown (akahara), dusky (tsugumi) and water (kawa-garasu)the kingfisher (kawasems), the crake (kuina) and the tomtit (kara). [Please select]
She wus a poorty squaw, mighty poorty, an' I wus as happy as a tomtit on a sugar-trough.' [Please select]
Watch Master Tomtit as he performs some of his acrobatic feats, putting the tilters and tumblers in the human circus to the blush. [Please select]
No one can deny that the tomtit is a companionable little fellow. [Please select]
There was no cover for a tomtit in those bald green places. [Please select]
TUFTED TITMOUSE (Parus bicolor) Titmouse family Called also: CRESTED TITMOUSE; CRESTED TOMTIT Length -- 6 to 6. [Please select]
"Only an hour ago it was looking up as imperent as a tomtit." [Please select]
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