"I think it's a lot of damned tomfoolery." [Please select]
For any man therefore, when not in the field, to strut about with a loaded weapon in his possession now-a-days is simply bombastic tomfoolery. [Please select]
"This is a serious matter," he said at last, "and I don't want any tomfoolery." [Please select]
Church, parson, clerk, beadle, glass coach, bells, breakfast, bridecake, favours, marrow-bones, cleavers, and all the rest of the tomfoolery. [Please select]
"Look here, Dennis," said our host; "we shall have a crowd collecting if you go on with this tomfoolery." [Please select]
"It all looks well enough, if you don't spoil it by your tomfoolery." [Please select]
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