Sentence example with the word 'tolbooth'


Definition n. a booth at a tollgate where the toll collector collects tolls

Last update: September 1, 2015


"He's in the tolbooth, mother--he's in the Heart of Mid-Louden for a thousand merk he borrowed from Saunders Wyliecoat the writer."   [Please select]


But something may be dune when they're takin' him back to the Tolbooth--if ye're a' wullin' to help.'   [Please select]


One of them saw that he was duly brought to the Tolbooth Kirk, where the capping ceremonial in those days took place.   [Please select]


Once in the Tolbooth upon this paper, may God help you, for the die is cast.   [Please select]


Hastily ordering the prisoner to be removed to the Tolbooth, he retired with his infamous companions to an inner room.   [Please select]


Syne I called up Mattie and bade her light the lamp and convoy me down to the tolbooth.   [Please select]

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tolan - tolbooth - toled