Self-conscious in front of Gabriel's closest friend, Deidre faced him, tilting her head back to meet his liquid silver eyes. [Please select]
This tilting did not cause the contents to spill, but, I judged, did cause the adults to desert the nest. [Please select]
He scalded and rinsed out the teapot and put in four full spoons of tea, tilting the kettle then to let the water flow in. [Please select]
He first attracted the attention of the king at a tilting match, at which he was the esquire to Lord Dingwall. [Please select]
She might as well have shaken it at a bobolink tilting on a clover top. [Please select]
Half a dozen men were floating in the water and one still clung to the tilting vessel. [Please select]
A grand tournament and tilting was held there, and I spared neither lance nor steed. [Please select]
As the old black spoke, the Wondership shot up like a rocket, tilting her nose slightly into the air. [Please select]
He swallowed slowly, tilting up the bottle by little and little, and now he looked at me no more. [Please select]
Quentin sat round in her chair, presenting her long, slender, dust-coloured lace-and-silk-clad person in profile to the passers-by, and so tilting her parasol as to defy recognition. [Please select]
She used to exercise herself in horsemanship, and knightly sports of tilting, and it is wonderful that a peasant-girl became, at once, one of the best riders among the chivalry of France. [Please select]
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