In the parliament which met on the 12th of February 1376, Lord Latimer and Alice Perrers, the king's mistress, a lady of good birth, and not (as the mendacious St Albans chronicler alleged) the ugly but persuasive daughter of a tiler, were impeached, and Wykeham took a leading part against Latimer, even to the extent of opposing his being allowed counsel. [Please select]
Tiler of the King's Privy-Chambers went presently to his Majesty, and told him that More had disappointed all their expectations, which circumstance not a little enraged him against More. [Please select]
At this very time one of the tax-collectors, going his rounds from house to house, at Dartford in Kent came to the cottage of one WAT, a tiler by trade, and claimed the tax upon his daughter. [Please select]
XLIV JEAN ANTOINE WATTEAU (Pronounced in French, Vaht-toh; English, Wot-toh) _French (Genre) School_ 1684-1721 _Pupil of Gillot and Audran_ Watteau's father was a tiler in a Flemish town--Valenciennes. [Please select]
Wat the Tiler, who was at work not far off, ran to the spot, and did what any honest father under such provocation might have done--struck the collector dead at a blow. [Please select]
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