Sentence example with the word 'tierces'


Last update: August 10, 2015


It is usually sold in " tierces," that is, casks containing about 'o cwt.   [Please select]


I thought that would settle Jim and let me out, for it's no joke lugging beef, or rolling barrels and tierces a hundred yards or so to the cars.   [Please select]


BARRELS, TIERCES AND CASKS--(_a_) _When contents are solid.   [Please select]


An extensive salmon-fishery is carried on at a large river called the Moisie, about eighteen miles below the post, where the Company sometimes catch and salt upwards of eighty and ninety tierces of fish.   [Please select]


Thus one muddy stretch was paved with bags of Chilean flour, another with tierces of tobacco, while over still another the wayfarers proceeded on the tops of cook stoves.   [Please select]

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tiercel - tierces - tiered