Sentence example with the word 'tideless'


Last update: August 12, 2015


All patent logs have errors, the amounts of which should be ascertained by shore observations when passing a well surveyed coast in tideless waters on a calm day.   [Please select]


From somewhere in the blue vault of heaven overhead came the joyous trilling of a lark, from below the silken rustling of the tideless sea.   [Please select]


His fame grew rapidly, and it spread across the tideless sea to the very shores of Christendom.   [Please select]


When waves lashed the tideless Mediterranean even the Capri fishermen shunned entering the grotto, for they knew its perils only too well.   [Please select]


I rave: perhaps at this moment he is watching the sun rise over the Pyrenees, or on the tideless sea of the south.   [Please select]


Their rooms were on the northeast corner, on the first floor; and from the windows they could look down upon the _marina piccola_ and the tideless sea, a sheer hundred and fifty feet below.   [Please select]

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tided - tideless - tides