Sentence example with the word 'thriftiness'


austerity, canniness, carefulness, economic planning, economy, false economy, frugality, good management, management, parsimony, prudence, sparingness, tight purse strings

Definition n. frugality in the expenditure of money or resources

Last update: June 28, 2015


Well, she could have arranged for a special to bring her up, but she's got a confounded streak of thriftiness in her.   [Please select]


The Yankee, with his proverbial thriftiness and forecast, appears entirely to lose these gifts when it comes to the proper and sensible management of woodlands.   [Please select]


It was in her mind to openly denounce the woman for her heartlessness, but her natural thriftiness interposed.   [Please select]


Poyser in the glibness of her tongue and in the thriftiness of her ways.   [Please select]


As in other classes of fowls the condition and cleanliness of the plumage and the general appearance and actions of the birds are good indications of their health and thriftiness.   [Please select]


Upper--Young Pekins which on account of their size, thriftiness and rapid growth were selected out of a lot about to be killed for market and saved for breeders.   [Please select]

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thriftily - thriftiness - thriftinesses