Sentence example with the word 'threading'


Last update: June 12, 2015


African antelope, scientifically known as Cephalophus grimmi; the popular name alluding to its habit of diving into and threading its way through thick bush.   [Please select]


In America and in England we are all threading our way in and out among all classes.   [Please select]


They crossed the city and began threading their way through the down-town streets, crowded with the traffic of a busy week afternoon.   [Please select]


At seven o'clock he was threading his way through the crowds in Third Avenue, searching the face of every one he met.'   [Please select]


The occupation of threading the little beads is one of their greatest pleasures.   [Please select]


Shasta waited but a moment, and then gripping Elwood by the wrist he began threading his way through the forest.   [Please select]


It was on his tongue more than once, while threading his way through the wilderness with his friends, to appeal to Mrs.   [Please select]


There he saw a girl sitting on the bank, threading a needle with the rays of the sun.   [Please select]


Pecq says I get on nicely," answered Molly, threading her needle and making a knot in her most capable way."   [Please select]


Threading their dim way into the farther recesses they found seats among thickets of forced lilacs over-hung by early wistaria.   [Please select]


My ear, too, felt the flow of currents; in what dales and depths I could not tell: but there were many hills beyond Hay, and doubtless many becks threading their passes.   [Please select]

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threaded - threading - threadless