Sentence example with the word 'thralls'


Last update: July 7, 2015


Unfortunately, too, for Norway's independence, the native gentry had gradually died out, and were succeeded by immigrant Danish fortune-hunters; native burgesses there were none, and the peasantry were mostly thralls; so that, excepting the clergy, there was no patriotic class to stand up for the national liberties.   [Please select]


With him goes old Thord, grumbling at the thralls in strange sea language, and yet well loved.   [Please select]


"I named nine others and said: "'And these shall follow your thralls in the same way.'   [Please select]


Just as they reached it, Hilda observed that her father was labouring there with his thralls.   [Please select]


Thralls were slaves taken in war, over whom the owners had absolute control.   [Please select]


Thralls were permitted to purchase their freedom--and all the descendants of those freed thralls, or unfreemen, were free.   [Please select]


The clothing of the unfreemen was finer than that of the thralls.   [Please select]


He had always at home on his farm thirty slaves or thralls, besides other serving people, and about two hundred house-carles.   [Please select]


We are thy thralls, and never will we do aught against thee.   [Please select]


Then, returning home, they made slaves or "thralls" of their prisoners, often married the women, and spent the winter in the enjoyment of their plunder.   [Please select]


He used to give his thralls a certain day's work; but after it was done he gave them leave and leisure to work in the twilight and at night for themselves.   [Please select]

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thralled - thralls - thrash