Sentence example with the word 'thirsts'


Last update: October 1, 2015


From the scarcity of water on the main routes through the Kalahari these roads are known as " the thirsts "; along some of them wells have been sunk by the administration.   [Please select]


Ignominy thirsts for consideration.   [Please select]


The old white father thirsts for his child.   [Please select]


Not a wink of sleep had she had for nights, yawned Zainub, what with thirsts and poultices.   [Please select]


It's likely that we can rustle up something in the forest, also water to quench our thirsts, but I'm in favor of more substantial food.'   [Please select]


If your enemy hungers, give him food; If he thirsts, give him water to drink; For you will heap coals of fire on his head, And the Lord will reward you.   [Please select]


Even a Saint Francis, the man who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, who rises to the heights of social-mindedness, who hungers and thirsts for everybody, begins all alone, at the breast.   [Please select]

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thirsting - thirsts - thirsty