They include, to quote, the more noteworthy, the Descobrimento de Frolida, the Itinerario of Antonio Tenreiro, the Verdadeira informacao das terras do Preste Joao by Francisco Alvares,'and the Ethiopia oriental by Frei Joao dos Santos, both dealing with Abyssinia, the Itinerario da terra santa by Frei Pantaleao de Aveiro, and that much-translated classic, the Historia da vida do padre Francisco Xavier by Padre Joao de Lucena. [Please select]
Vidi factas ex æquore terras: Et procul a pelago conchæ jacuere marinæ; Et vetus inventa est in montibus anchora summis. [Please select]
The eulogium of Ovid is-- "Carmina sublimis tunc sunt peritura Lucretî, Exitio terras quum dabit una dies." [Please select]
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