Sentence example with the word 'terracing'


Last update: July 22, 2015


Palestine, being less shut in and enjoying a comparatively large general rainfall, would be still a land " flowing with milk and honey " had its forests not been destroyed, and the terracing, which used to hold up soil on the highlands, been maintained.   [Please select]


At the same time, there was an increase in cultivation of mountain slopes by terracing and by distributing water over the terraces in balanced systems.   [Please select]


The terracing here, however, is not always on the court side, whereas in ancient examples such arrangement was an essential defensive feature, as the court furnished the only approach to upper terraces.   [Please select]


There is a large group of gardens on the bank of the stream at the southeastern corner of Zuñi, and here there are slight indications of terracing.   [Please select]

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terraces - terracing - terrae