Sentence example with the word 'terraces'


Last update: July 26, 2015


To mitigate a steep ascent, a central carriage-way, 200 yds, long, is cut along the main street to a depth of 15 ft., the opposite terraces being connected by a bridge.   [Please select]


You might fancy yourself amidst the grottoes and terraces of St.   [Please select]


It is sometimes necessary to send the water through a succession of beds, arranged in terraces, before it is sufficiently pure for drinking purposes.   [Please select]


"Back again," said Tarzan, and, turning, the two retraced their high-flung way through the upper terraces of the ancient forest of Kor-ul-GRYF.   [Please select]


The terraces in the west suddenly began to fade and the wind took on a fresh and sharper edge.   [Please select]


The glowing terraces in the west broke up, faded quite away, and night, as yet without stars, spread over the earth.   [Please select]


These terraces were used also sometimes to fill up the fosse.   [Please select]

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terraced - terraces - terracing