Sentence example with the word 'terpenes'


Last update: July 14, 2015


Berzelius immediately appreciated the importance of this discovery, notwithstanding 1 The reader is specially referred to the articles Alizarin; Indigo; Purin and Terpenes for illustrations of the manner in which chemists have artificially prepared important animal and vegetable products.   [Please select]


While the different wood tars contain numerous aromatic compounds, such as phenols, phenyl oxides, terpenes and organic acids, these are present in such a slight proportion so as to render their effectiveness practically useless.   [Please select]


TERPENES--Pinene, Camphene, Limonene, Dipentene, Fenchene, Sylvestrene, Carvestrene, Phellandrene, Terpinolene, Terpinene and Thujene.   [Please select]

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terpene - terpenes - terpineol