Sentence example with the word 'tented'


armored, clouded, covert, encapsulated, enwrapped, housed, masked, packaged, scummed, shrouded, walled

Last update: August 21, 2015


The interruption of maritime intercourse, the stagnation of industry and trade, the rise in the price of the necessaries of life, the impossibility of adequately providing for the families of those - call them reservists, " landwehr," or what you will - who are torn away from their daily toil to serve in the tented field, - these are considerations that may well make us pause before we abandon a peaceful solution and appeal to brute force.   [Please select]


Plainly, something must have occurred to excite the few who had been in the tented settlement.   [Please select]


The real disposition of Waverley, on the other hand, notwithstanding his dreams of tented fields and military honour, seemed exclusively domestic.   [Please select]


Sneaking up to the tented island was the familiar outline of Sam Redding's hydroplane.   [Please select]


Blenkiron the kind of martial figure that would do credit to the tented field.   [Please select]


It shows him in flannels, after some great feat upon the tented field.   [Please select]


No land, no land like this for God's sad ways When near the tented fields Love's Soldier lies asleep With empty arms.   [Please select]

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tentatives - tented - tenter