Among the most common causes of imprisonment was the practice adopted by judges and magistrates of tendering to Friends (particularly when no other charge could be proved against them) the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance (5 Eliz. [Please select]
"Receive, first, this precious yet fatal pledge," said the knight, tendering the ring to Edith, who now showed gestures of impatience. [Please select]
[20] It is some relief in this trial to read the testimony of John Tendering about William Byett. [Please select]
"I guess you know what you mean by this," he said, tendering the weapon as per instructions; "I'm doggoned if I do."' [Please select]
"I am Chester Rand, with whom you have had some correspondence," said Chester, tendering his card. [Please select]
I asked, going up to her, and once more tendering my hand. [Please select]
"Allow me to return these to the Marquis," he said, tendering them. [Please select]
Against aniline black it has the great advantage of not tendering the fibre in the least, and not turning green during storage. [Please select]
Kane (son of Judge Kane, and now General), in tendering all the prisoners a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner, consisting of turkey, etc. [Please select]
At these words the yeomen kneeled down before him, tendering their allegiance, while they implored pardon for their offences. [Please select]
His relations with Thatcher did not justify that gentleman in tendering him a strictly private breakfast, nor did he relish having a big chance pointed out to him by Mr. [Please select]
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