Sentence example with the word 'temporise'


Definition v. draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time

Last update: June 18, 2015


However, the Roman Senate judged it best to temporise, because of the war in Spain, where Scipio Æmilianus then served in the capacity of tribune.   [Please select]


Don John, who was at Huy, saw that it was necessary to temporise.   [Please select]


It was the word, "Temporise," and it came from the Prime Minister.   [Please select]


Britling temporised by saying he would "make inquiries," and put Mr.   [Please select]


For these reasons it is a poor policy to temporise, and the only sound policy in extreme cases would be to give up ordinary air-drying in favour of some method of artificial drying.   [Please select]


He will temporise; he will try to give a seemly dress to unseemly matters: to do as much harm as will content the assembly, and yet not so much harm as will offend the nation.   [Please select]

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temporary - temporise - temporised