It pointed out distinctly and temperately the grounds of the right of punishment, and from these principles deduced certain propositions as to the nature and amount of punishment which should be inflicted for any crime. [Please select]
He spoke temperately of the _désagrément_ of his position and the wisdom of keeping on his way calmly. [Please select]
And further, royal Richard, know that the blood of the East flows not so temperately in the presence of beauty as that of your land. [Please select]
"I don't pretend to understand Lilly," said Katy, temperately; "she is an odd girl." [Please select]
The King and his FollowersOf the king and his followers it is difficult to write temperately. [Please select]
In a very temperately written memorial Charles placed these ideas before the chiefs. [Please select]
Of course it's perfectly safe to convey Judy, junior, to the temperately tropical lands that are washed by the Caribbean. [Please select]
But Cranmer, to whom they were chiefly entrusted, advanced them steadily and temperately. [Please select]
So the virtuous elephant who had waited temperately and done kind acts was relieved, at the appointed time, by the very calf whom he had turned aside to cherish--let all listen to the Tataka. [Please select]
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