He was still a prisoner in the land of those inmates of his mind, the rascal story tellers who made the most absurd tales seems as natural as butter on toast. [Please select]
Henty is the king of story-tellers for boys. [Please select]
There are mountebanks, and palmists, and fortune-tellers, who will frighten you out of your wits for a shilling. [Please select]
In the evening, the harpers and singers made music, the bards recited poetry, or the good story tellers told tales of heroes and wonders. [Please select]
They are found in all European countries to-day; they are tinkers, pedlars, horse-dealers, showmen, fortune-tellers, and beggars. [Please select]
25= "'About Old Story Tellers' is made up of the best of the old stories, gathered from all sources, re-told in Mr."' [Please select]
Soon, these stories of story-tellers or monks were written down, and out of them developed the Chinese classical novel. [Please select]
Henty is one of the best of story tellers for young people. [Please select]
"The book equals the best of the great story tellers of all time." [Please select]
Well, have you heard of those tale-tellers in the East, who sit under a village tree with the menfolk all around them. [Please select]
The tellers of fates glided through the press, fingering the amulets that hung upon their hearts. [Please select]
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