Sentence example with the word 'telamon'


Definition n. a figure of a man used as a supporting column

Last update: October 24, 2015


EVAGORAS, son of Nicocles, king of Salamis in Cyprus 410374 B.C. He claimed descent from Teucer, half-brother of Ajax, son of Telamon, and his family had long been rulers of Salamis until supplanted by a Phoenician exile.   [Please select]


Telamon (tel   [Please select]


Among the most famous of those who responded to his call were Jason, Castor and Pollux, Idas and Lynceus, Peleus, Telamon, Admetus, Perithous, and Theseus.   [Please select]


Accompanied, therefore, by Telamon and Augeas, and the four sons of Phryxus, he set out for the palace.   [Please select]


And Hector answered him, "Great Ajax, son of Telamon, sprung from Zeus."   [Please select]


The Gauls rose and marched south; they were defeated, and 40,000 of them killed at Telamon.   [Please select]


After gathering a large amount of booty, they were carrying this back to a place of safety, when they were surrounded by the Roman armies at Telamon, and almost annihilated (225 B.)   [Please select]

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