Sentence example with the word 'tediously'


Definition adv. in a tedious manner

Last update: June 10, 2015


His homilies, though tediously minute, still breathe a charm and power (see Bernard, St).   [Please select]


Negotiations for peace soon began, but they dragged on tediously until 1632, when the Treaty of St.   [Please select]


Iles is a good servant if a little tediously pompous, and Chifney must see to the stables.   [Please select]


Perhaps rather tediously I have come to the few words I want to say about Baree, the hero of this book.   [Please select]


Thereafter, with the monuments standing ever higher, and the distance perceptibly lessening, the minutes passed less tediously.   [Please select]


This was the result of what I insist on tediously, but what is most necessary to insist on, for it is a cardinal particular in the whole topic.   [Please select]


They were very proud of the credit they had gained in the battle with the Romans, but said that they did not see any use in marching tediously abreast when there was no enemy near.   [Please select]

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tedious - tediously - tediousness