Sentence example with the word 'tantalising'


Definition adj. arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach

Last update: September 21, 2015


Tantalising for the poor dead.   [Please select]


Only its resemblance, seen in the white mist always moving over these arid plains--the deluding, tantalising mirage.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, it is a fact--a miserable, tantalising, exasperating fact--a maddening fact, now that that hideous red-Indian--Hottentot stands in the way.   [Please select]


It was a tantalising sight to Hendrik, who would have liked much to have shown his marksman skill by "creasing" one.   [Please select]


At the time he had put no faith in those dreams and was only tantalising himself by their hideous but daring recklessness.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XI THE SLOUGH OF TRANQUILLITY Three months stole by with tantalising slowness.   [Please select]


She caught her breath before laughing tolerantly, and then looked into his eyes with a tantalising ingenuousness.   [Please select]


Other experiences of the larva hunter are equally interesting and, perhaps, even more tantalising.   [Please select]


There was a tantalising smile on the Baron's face as he watched the changing expressions in that of his Prince.   [Please select]


He put his fingers to his ears somewhat earlier than usual, and she turned away with a tantalising laugh.   [Please select]


Turning on his other side with a deep groan, he fell asleep again, to dream of tobacco in some new and tantalising form until sunrise, when he awoke unrefreshed.   [Please select]

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tantalised - tantalising - tantalize