Sentence example with the word 'tandem'


back to back, behind, behind the scenes, equipage, four-in-hand, in back of, in the background, in the rear, pair, randem, rig, span, spike, spike team, team, three-up, turnout, unicorn

Definition adv. one behind the other

Last update: August 17, 2015


They use the tandem to reach their work place.   [Please select]


They moved in tandem without looking at each other, their movements controlled and efficient.   [Please select]


These mills are often operated in tandem, which necessitates less handling of soap by the operator.   [Please select]


Diú per ácra volábat; tandem tamen ad eum locum vénit ubi Medúsa cum céterís Gorgonibus habitábat.   [Please select]


The best plowed tillage land I ever saw, I have had performed by two mules tandem, without lines or driver.   [Please select]


Good and evil draw us on like a span of horses, sometimes like a tandem, taking turns in the lead.   [Please select]


Later, writing was able to influence the spoken language, and this tandem led to the 'symbolic' Man in Europe.   [Please select]


They had turned their backs to the Tandem; the grooms looked after them, standing motionless at the horses' heads.   [Please select]

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tanbark - tandem - tandems