Sentence example with the word 'taints'


Last update: June 9, 2015


He drank the cool air burdened with its taints of the sea, while the blood of his boyhood leaped within him.   [Please select]


If you have been square, so much the better; if not, leave behind the taints of artificial things and start again on the level--that's all.   [Please select]


To make you understand the way in which suggestion acts in the treatment of moral taints I will use the following comparison.   [Please select]


He went on, "He sort of taints an honest idea, doesn't he, by his high-falutin' way of going on about it."'   [Please select]


The corruption which disgraces our Government in the eyes of all good men at home and abroad taints both parties.   [Please select]


"It o'erinforms the tenement of clay," and drives the man mad; or, gives a certain violent bias, which taints his judgment.'   [Please select]

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taintless - taints - takeable