Sentence example with the word 'tabued'


Last update: August 21, 2015


She wore no jewels, as she clung to the rigorous law of her youth which had tabued the vulgar display of anything but pearls in the daytime.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, he invariably, and with complete gravity, introduced her and alluded to her as Suzan Forbes (she even tabued the Miss), and he sent a cheque to the League when it was founded.   [Please select]


Well, he has a lot o' barbers to keep it in order; and it's a law that whoever touches the head of a living chief or the body of a dead one, his hands are tabued.'   [Please select]


So in that way the barbers' hands are always tabued, and they daren't use them for their lives, but have to be fed like big babies--as they are, sure enough.   [Please select]


” The Walpi for a long time frowned down all attempts on the part of the Hano to fraternize; they prohibited intermarriages, and in general tabued the Hano.   [Please select]

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tabours - tabued - tabular