Sentence example with the word 'syndic'


Definition n. one appointed to represent a city or university or corporation in business transactions

Last update: December 9, 2015


A syndic presided in the spiritual assembly at first, but only as a church elder.   [Please select]


The syndic of each commune is elected by ballot by the communal council from among its own members.   [Please select]


A single magistrate, or Syndic, decided all disputes and made the few regulations and enforced them.   [Please select]


In 1800 he was appointed Syndic of the district of Femme Osage, which office he filled for four years, until Louisiana became American territory.   [Please select]


The village had its elected head, the syndic,[Footnote: So called in the north of France.   [Please select]


He was born in Delft, became Fiscal of Holland in 1607, and Syndic of Rotterdam and member of the States General in 1613.   [Please select]


The infirmities which had caused the good Syndic to seek relief from political cares must have been purely magisterial.   [Please select]

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syncretist - syndic - syndicalism