Sentence example with the word 'sympatric'


Definition adj. (of biological species or speciation) occurring in the same or overlapping geographical areas

Last update: July 14, 2015


_: 31) discussed the possibility that reproductive isolation might arise in sympatric populations, such as those of _G.   [Please select]


All small hylids that are sympatric with _Ptychohyla leonhardschultzei_ are either yellow (_Hyla dendroscarta_ and _H.)   [Please select]


Patterns of dorsal coloration at mid-body of juveniles of two sympatric species of _Conophis_.   [Please select]


Field work in Michoacán revealed that two supposed subspecies of _Pituophis deppei_ were sympatric.   [Please select]


Regardless of their respective breeding habits, sympatric species have calls that differ notably.   [Please select]


The data indicate that the calls of related sympatric species differ more than the calls of related allopatric species.   [Please select]


We postulate that these differences evolved to support the reproductive isolation of the sympatric species.   [Please select]


From its upland distribution the species followed streams down to both the Caribbean and Pacific lowlands, where it is sympatric with _S.   [Please select]


Today, sympatric species have different breeding habits and breeding calls which reinforce the differences in morphology.   [Please select]


_--Blair (1958), Bogert (1960), Duellman (1963a), Fouquette (1960), Johnson (1959), and others have provided evidence that the breeding calls of male hylids (and other anurans) serve as isolating mechanisms in sympatric species.   [Please select]


In summarizing this discussion of the breeding calls of _Smilisca_ we want to point out what seem to be important differences in the calls that may prevent interspecific hybridization in sympatric species of _Smilisca_.   [Please select]

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sympathy - sympatric - sympatrically