Sentence example with the word 'swoop'


belly buster, collapse, defluxion, downbend, downtrend, fall down, header, pitch, pounce on, rush, swan dive

Definition n. (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale

Last update: October 3, 2015


Cat swooped over the rat.   [Please select]


Police made a dawn swoop.   [Please select]


The citizens of London welcomed him, but he was not secure of his success till by a swift swoop on Winchester he obtained possession of the royal treasurean all-important factor in a crisis, as Henry I.   [Please select]


There was a great eagle hovering over the waves of the sea and ready to swoop down on fishes.   [Please select]


Thus isolated, unprotected groups of men, out some distance from the work-train, often were swooped down upon by Indians and massacred.   [Please select]


The nets lifted and the bloodthirsty insects swooped in vicious triumph on the emerging men.   [Please select]


Darkness followed swiftly, as if it had been a bird of prey waiting for this sign to swoop down upon the world.   [Please select]


The flight of the mother toward her child was swift as the falcon's swoop.   [Please select]


He stooped over the child, his hands outspread, waiting for the moment to swoop.   [Please select]


Bernard Monck swooped down with the action of a practised footballer and took the furry thing out of Tessa's hold.   [Please select]


And you go in, and you swoop upon it and you make your capital, and then there you are.   [Please select]

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swoons - swoop - swooped