Sentence example with the word 'sweltering'


ardent, burning, ebullient, heated, like a furnace, overheated, roasting, simmering, steamy, suffocating, toasting, wilting

Definition adj. excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness

Last update: February 25, 2016


I was absolutely sweltering at this point from all the moving !   [adjective]


On the downside it's 300km from the sea, freezing in the winter, sweltering in the summer.   [adjective]


But to sit down in broad daylight, when one has scarce swallowed one's morning chocolate, and face a sweltering sirloin, or open a smoking veal pie.   [adjective]


Nothing less than two fat sweltering one-pound notes that seemed to have been on terms of the warmest intimacy with all the cattle-markets in the county.   [adjective]


Although the sky was now covered with mist and a hot sweltering south-wind had risen, he prepared to start at once.   [adjective]


It was sweltering hot and my tank top and shorts were displaying too much cleavage and bare leg, remember?   [Please select]


The crisis came on Sunday the 28th of June, a day of sweltering heat.   [Please select]


By June the fort was sweltering in almost tropical heat.   [Please select]


Showy red coats were removed in deference to sweltering heat, and melody presided in undress.   [Please select]

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sweltered - sweltering - swelters