Sentence example with the word 'sustainer'


Definition n. someone who upholds or maintains

Last update: July 26, 2015


The next vision serves to connect the Source and Sustainer of all things with the world and its history.   [Please select]


The people of Crete adored her as the Great Mother, more especially in her signification as the sustainer of the vegetable world.   [Please select]


As goddess of agriculture, field-fruits, plenty, and productiveness, she was the sustainer of material life, and was therefore a divinity of great importance.   [Please select]


And he helped everyone--the valiant servant Greatheart, protector of the helpless, sustainer of the vanquished.   [Please select]


It is well known as a giver of heat and energy, and Sir Ernest Shackleton reports that it proved a great life preserver and sustainer in Arctic regions.   [Please select]

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sustained - sustainer - sustainers