My intelligence far surpasses any of you worthless scum. [Please select]
It far surpasses my expectations, both in natural beauty and capabilities. [Please select]
The vengeance of Baldassare is almost preternatural; it surpasses the wrath of Achilles and the malignity of Shylock. [Please select]
She fearlessly accompanies the spirit of the age, but she never surpasses it; _that_ is the office of the great thinker. [Please select]
Goethe's Iphigenia, the mature Woman, with its myriad delicate traits, never surpasses, scarcely equals, what we know of her in Euripides. [Please select]
"Why, Mary, your bacon surpasses anything I have tasted for the last six months; let's have another rasher, like a good woman." [Please select]
In its exquisite finish and exhaustless imagery "Lycidas" surpasses most of the poetry of what is often called the pagan Renaissance. [Please select]
"The insolence of these people surpasses all bounds," the count said angrily as he walked up and down the room. [Please select]
Your modesty equals your valor, and that surpasses the power of any language I possess. [Please select]
Their speed surpasses that of the horse, and they obey with intelligence the voice of the khabir, or guide of the caravan. [Please select]
The shepherd dog (_Canis domesticus_) rivals if not surpasses most other dogs in intelligence, though his intelligence is less general and more particular than that of other dogs, _i. [Please select]
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