Sentence example with the word 'supremest'


Last update: June 11, 2015


An Account of the Supremest Court of Judicature in Pennsylvania, viz.   [Please select]


As he entered the room I recall remarking that he was possessed of the supremest confidence of any man I had ever met.   [Please select]


The situation was sufficiently gloomy to stir Joe to his supremest efforts and to kindle Sam's spirit to a blazing flame.   [Please select]


Still, the supremest desire of Henry's soul was to get Becket out of the way.   [Please select]


It aspired to rise to a knowledge of God as the supremest wisdom and grandest attainment of mortal man.   [Please select]


His labor always appeals to him as the thing of supremest moment.   [Please select]


The sun, among all the ancient polytheists, was worshipped under various names, and was one of the supremest deities.   [Please select]


His services to the state were transcendent, but his supremest mission was to preserve the Hebrew nation.   [Please select]


He felt that he had been trapped into the very net from which he had with such fury escaped and, supremest jest of all, been made to rejoice in the trapping.   [Please select]


The little, deep-set eyes of the porcupine passed over him with supremest indifference, and their owner began to gnaw at the bark of a hemlock sapling which grew at one side of the rock.   [Please select]

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supremeness - supremest - supremo