Sentence example with the word 'suppliants'


Last update: July 24, 2015


The action of the Sanhedrin and the presence of the women suppliants in the Temple suggest, if the y do not prove, that this Hezekiah who harassed the Syrians was a Jewish patriot, who could not acquiesce and wait with Sameas.   [Please select]


Could such a play as the "Suppliants" of Euripedes find any aesthetic justification, save that it has the one dramatic essential--confrontation, balance of emotions.   [Please select]


], a land which even Zeus himself so loved to visit that often he was found absent from Olympus when sought by suppliants.   [Please select]


They were taken down by the attendant priests, written out in verse, and delivered to the suppliants.   [Please select]


Why, he treats us as though we were the suppliants, he the alms-giver.   [Please select]


Wemmick and I parted at the office in Little Britain, where suppliants for Mr.   [Please select]


"We have come, sir king," Egbert said, "as fugitives and suppliants to you."   [Please select]

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suppliant - suppliants - supplicant