Sentence example with the word 'superstitiously'


Definition adv. in a superstitious manner

Last update: July 5, 2015


One who does something superstitiously will have to repent.   [Please select]


Bright and luminous, and clearly destined to dispel the barbarisms of a tasteless age, too long superstitiously devoted to the illusions of imposing declamation."   [Please select]


It was much more likely that, having failed in an attempt to have him murdered, she was superstitiously remorseful.   [Please select]


The Mosquito Indians of Central America studiously and superstitiously avoid mentioning the name of the dead, in this regard resembling those of our own country.   [Please select]


For the first time in his life Jack Robinson became superstitiously nervous.   [Please select]


He was of a vain, false, weak character, superstitiously devout, and at the same time ferocious, so as to alienate every one.   [Please select]


Malays, Dyaks, and Bugis, attracted by the noise of the struggle, crowded round and pointed at him, muttering superstitiously.   [Please select]


I hold that it is not only derogatory to national dignity but it actually impedes national progress superstitiously to believe that our progress towards our goal is impossible without British connection.   [Please select]


"Mother av Hiven," he muttered superstitiously, "it's one of the saints come down to look after the job I jumped, and waiting to strike me dead when I come back."   [Please select]

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superstitious - superstitiously - superstructure