Sentence example with the word 'suggestibility'


Definition n. susceptibility or responsiveness to suggestion

Last update: September 7, 2015


The suggestibility of large crowds is markedly greater than that of individuals, and to this and the greater faith must be attributed the greater success of the fashionable places of pilgrimage.   [Please select]


_Hysteria_ is a nervous disorder based upon suggestibility, and capable of imitating most known diseases.   [Please select]


Some of the most common of these sick reactions with which the nurse must deal are enhanced suggestibility, repression, oversensitiveness, stubbornness, fear, depression, and irritability.   [Please select]


We expect of the average man a certain amount of suggestibility.   [Please select]


Of interest to our inquiry is merely a characteristic mark of the hypnotic state,--its tremendous suggestibility.   [Please select]


In this hypnoidal state a strongly heightened suggestibility exists and trivial external causes give daydreams their direction.   [Please select]


It is interesting that he took only one out of four suggestions, notwithstanding his suggestibility on the Binet test.   [Please select]

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suggester - suggestibility - suggestible